Life Lab Honored by US Congress

Congressman Sam Farr recognized Life Lab's 30 year of service to our community and the nation through a Congressional Record on September 10, 2009.
He writes:
... Programs such as the Life Lab Garden Classroom, Waste Free Schools and the Monterey Bay Science Program serve to educate the youth of today about the importance of environmental sustainability and waste management. The Life Lab Science Program is a rare gem, teaching people of all ages about the unbreakable bond between humans and the beautiful environment in which we live. The efforts of Life Lab, and others like it, better our chances at some day achieving a sustainable future, in which all citizens truly appreciate the plentiful gifts we reap from the land. ... I know I speak for the entire House when I congratulate the Life Lab Science Program for its 30 years of commendable community service and extend our wishes for many more to come.
- The Honorable Sam Farr, 17th District of California