Visiting the Life Lab Garden Classroom

The Life Lab Garden Classroom is located on the UCSC Center for Agroecology Farm.

Hours: The Garden is open to the public daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Parking: Public visitors can park at UCSC Lots 116/115, 117a, or 170 (Hay Barn-When there is no Event). From these lots, it's about a 5-minute walk up to the Garden Classroom. View Google Map.

  • Free Parking: Available after 5:00 p.m. and on weekends at Lots 116/115, 117a, and 170 (Hay Barn-when there is no Event).

  • Weekday Parking: Monday–Friday before 5 p.m, pay $2.50/hour using the ParkMobile App in designated spots or purchase a $10 full-day permit at the UCSC Parking Office.

  • Bicyclist Access: Cyclists can use the dirt Farm Road to reach the entrance stairs.

  • Workshop Visitors follow these directions

UCSC Visitor Parking Information

Where (& When) Can I Park for Free at UCSC

Self-Guided Tour Garden Map

Click map to download a map of the Garden Classroom!


Santa Cruz Information and Recommendations