Spanish Language Garden Resources

Redes y Herramientas Para Buscar Recursos Sobre Huertos Escolares y Educación en Nutrición

Guías y Currículum Para Huertos Escolares 

Cocinando y Educación en Nutrición

Herramientas de Búsqueda de Literatura


  • ¡Come Bien! Eat Right! Es una colección educativa, bilingüe y encantadora de 38 canciones (19 en inglés y cada una con su versión en español) y actividades que promueven la nutrición saludable para niños y adultos, realizada por el premiado autor, educador y cantante José-Luis Orozco.  Lista de videos de todas las canciones: ¡Come Bien! Eat Right! 

  • Banana Slugs String Band Mar y Tierra

  • ¡Español, ciencia y diversión – todo en uno! La Tierra y el Mar incluye ocho canciones populares de las Banana Slugs en español e inglés que enseñan sobre la ciencia, los huertos y el océano. Presentado por Banana Slugs bilingüe & Michael Levy.

  • 123 Andrés  Actívate  una hora de música que inspira a las familias a ponerse en movimiento, con más de 40 artistas cantando juntos por una gran causa. 


Para Producción Agrícola Y Productores Que Venden En Mercados

English Version

School Garden and Nutrition Education Networks and Resource Search Tools

School Garden Guides and Curricula

  • Huertos Escolares Video Playlist of school garden education videos for children and people new to school gardening. Created by Universidad de Chile and “Contrapeso” plan.

  • A Space to Encounter Nature and Teaching: Garden School, educational guidelines for teachers A sustainable and pedagogical school garden model developed in 12 educational establishments in the Metropolitan and O’Higgins regions in which more than 2000 kindergarten, first and second grade students participated.

  • Seeds to Salad is a flexible project destined for the youth. It invites them to grow their own salads in their gardens.

  • Let’s Plant Science and Awareness - LabVida’s School Garden Manual

  • The archived Life Lab Science K-5 Curriculum is a garden-based science curriculum which is written in English with Spanish language handouts, parent letters, and lab pages. It is the most thorough resource that we have seen for teaching garden-based content to K-5 Spanish speakers.

  • Comenzando (NO LINK) is a 34-page guide for starting a school garden.

  • Supporting material in Spanish from Wisconsin’s School Garden Network includes: Teaching in nature’s classroom, Is there soil?, Are there vegetables? 

  • LA County Master Gardeners School Garden Start Up Guide in Spanish and English found on their school gardens resource page. (BROKEN) This 5-page handout highlights the basics for starting a program.

  • Creating and Sustaining Your School Garden. Find documents on the following: CA Frost Guide, Garden Tool List, Crop Planning Chart and Planting Guide, Introduction to Annual and Perennial Plants, Outdoor Classroom Management, Basic Garden Bed Types, Harvest Tips, and a Garden Design Planning Chart.  View the Spanish versions here. Thanks to Ottilla Cross from the Silicon Valley Health Trust for the translation of additional materials.

  • What do School Gardens Look Like? PowerPoint presentation of the Creating and Sustaining Your School Garden Workshop 

  • A Garden of Words/Un jardín de Palabras (BROKEN) is a bilingual gardening dictionary for schools and after-school gardening programs, produced by the University of California Master Gardeners of Santa Barbara County and the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. 30 color-coded pages provide translations of tools, measurements, conversions, phrases, and fruits and vegetable names.

  • The Nourish Middle School Curriculum Guide offers a rich set of resources to open a meaningful conversation about food and sustainability. They have Spanish language student handouts.

  • CityBlossoms Spanish Language Resources includes Our First Harvest/Nuestra Primera Cosecha, a bilingual year-round ECE curriculum consisting of 30 garden-related lessons and Garden Gastronomy/Gastronomía del Jardín is filled with 27 beloved recipes.

  • Naturalizar Educativamente Program Manual, by Fundación Ilumina, whose goal is to promote the development and well-being of children, through daily pedagogical and formative experiences in nature.

  • The Community Agroecology Network created an International Youth Network Curriculum. A seven module Spanish language curriculum that shares their program skills and knowledge of youth working in food education programs in Latin America.

  • La enseñanza en el aula de la naturaleza, Receive a free copy of Teaching in Nature’s Classroom: Core Principles of Garden-Based Education in Spanish.

  • Plant Care Cards from Oxbow Farm and Conservation Center

  • Videos from Valeria Churba - Plant and garden related activities

  • Videos & Activities en Espanol - Partnership for Education, Agriculture & Sustainability 

Cooking and Nutrition Education

Literature Search Tools


  • ¡Come Bien! Eat Right! is a charming, educational bilingual collection of 38 songs (19 each in Spanish and English) and activities promoting healthy nutrition for children and adults by award-winning author, educator, and singer José-Luis Orozco.  Video playlist of all the ¡Come Bien! Eat Right! Songs

  • Banana Slugs String Band - Mar y Tierra Spanish, Science and Fun - all in one! The Earth and the Sea includes eight Banana Slugs popular songs teaching about science, gardens and the ocean in both Spanish and English. Presented by Bilingual Banana Slugs & Michael Levy.

  • 123 Andrés  Actívate, an hour-long joyride that inspires families to get moving, with 40+ artists singing together for a great cause.  


For Agricultural Production and Market Gardeners