2018 School Garden Support Organization Leadership Institute

At the 5-day institute we worked towards the following goals.

  • Learn from one another about how we accomplish common Key SGSO Activities so that we can better our practice

  • Make organizational sites plan for Professional Development and School Garden support

  • Develop and update resources to share with a wider national audience

School Support Organization Key Activities

  1. Creating, Finding, Modifying, and Sequencing High Quality Lessons

  2. Strategies for Sustaining School Garden Programs

  3. Designing Programs for Maximum Impact

  4. Networking and Communications to Support School Gardens

  5. Leading Excellent Garden-Based Education Professional Development

2018 SGSO Organization Bios Program Photos from Participating OrganizationsPUBLIC DOCUMENTS 2018 SGSO Institute Google Folders www.SGSOnetwork.org find:

 Our Institute on Instagram #sgso2018