Gratitude for You!
Gratitude for You!
Our Wonderful Life Lab Supporters
Gratitude--that's what we are feeling at Life Lab for YOU!
It's been an amazing year, filled with growth and beauty and children getting outdoors and learning about nature, science, and our gorgeous earth.
And we have you, our supporters to thank for it.
Thank you for telling your friends about Life Lab, for volunteering in our gardens and kitchens, for donating plants and seeds, for teaching children to love the earth and the soil.
Thank you.
Here are some photos from our wonderful year together.
Field Trip at the Garden Classroom
Smoothie Tasting
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you in our extended Life Lab family.
PS. If you haven't had a chance to donate to Life Lab yet, there's still time this year. And thank you!
Workshop at the Garden Classroom
The 2023 SGSO Leadership Institute